Research Activity


(2024, Forthcoming) Designs for learning with narrative digital games in EFL education: Negotiating Material-Discursive Frames at the Nexus of Culture, Text and Task. [Doctoral Dissertation].

(2024) “Theorie und Praxis waren optimal verknüpft.” – Professionalisierung von Lehramtsstudierenden in der UNI-Klasse “Moderne Fremdsprachen””. Lehrerbildung@LMU, 3(2), 28-43. (with Claudia Mustroph and Annkristin Schwalb).

(2022) “Short Digital Games as Expressive Media in the EFL Classroom”. Anglistik, 33/1, 97-114. DOI:

(2022) “Trajectories for Multiliteracies in Foreign Language Education: An Inclusive Paradigm for Challenging Times”. In: Lütge, Christiane (ed.): Foreign Language Learning in the Digital Age. Theory and Pedagogy for Developing Literacies. Routledge, 255-258. (with Christiane Lütge).

(2021) “Digital Textualities: Innovative Practices with Social Media, Digital Literatures and Virtual Realities”. In: Lütge, Christiane/ Merse, Thorsten (eds.): Digital Teaching and Learning: perspectives for English Language Education. Narr, 231-257. (with Christiane Lütge and Thorsten Merse).

(2021) “Digitale Schulkooperationen in der UNI-Klasse “Moderne Fremdsprachen im Dialog””. Lehrerbildung@LMU, 1(1), 42-60. (with Julia Wuttig).

(2021) “No way to win: Exploring digital games as a form of Black Lives Matter protest”. FUE 55(173), 20–25. (with Marius Ritter and Daniel Becker).

(2019) “Crossovers: Digitalization and Literature in Foreign Language Education”. In: Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, special issue ‘Boarder Crossing in Language Education’, 519-540 [peer-reviewed article]. (with Christiane Lütge, Thorsten Merse and Michelle Stannard)

(2018) “Digitale Spiele im Fremdsprachenunterricht”. In: Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 4/2018 (with Max von Blanckenburg)

(2018) “Mobiles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Tablets and Smartphones”. In: Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 4/2018 (with Petra Rauschert)

(2018) “Digital Narratives: Exploring new practices of reading and play”. In: Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 4/2018 (with Christiane Lütge and Thorsten Merse)

Presentations & Workshops

“Designs for Learning with Digital Narrative Games in Language Education”. Presentation/workshop for the Innovation Hub, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 17.06.2024.

“Fake it to make it? Soziale Medien im Schutzraum Schule”. Video, teacher development seminar, “Digital Together – Bildung in einer digitalen Welt gestalten”, Münchner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, 01.07.2022. (with Lisa Ganser, Sarah Midulla).

“Zwischen Hashtags und Hate-Speech: Kritisch-reflexive Medienkompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterricht”. Workshop, teacher development seminar, “Digital Together – Bildung in einer digitalen Welt gestalten”, Münchner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, 01.07.2022. (project coordination and development, workshop delivered by Annkristin Schwalb, Stefanie Fuchs, Claudia Mustroph, Patrick Sowa).

“Digitale Medien in Fremdsprachen Bildung”. Workshop, UNI-Klasse Moderne Fremdsprachen. 01.10.2021.

“Empathy & Identity in Short-Form Digital Games: A Consideration of New Textualities for the EFL Classroom”. Presentation (symposium) at “Video Games and Foreign Language Teaching”, WWU Münster, 12.02.2020.

“Gametexts and Digital Culture in English as a Foreign Language Education.” Presentation (conference) “ECGBL 2018: European Conference on Game Based Learning”, Sophia Antipolis, France, 4.10.2018.

“Telling your story, making the game: an exploratory project in game design for language learners.” Poster presentation at “EUROCALL 2018: Future-Proof CALL, Language Learning as Exploration and Encounters”, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 22.08.2018.

“Digitalization and Literature in Foreign Language Education.” Presentation (symposium) at “Language Education Across Borders”, University of Graz, Austria, 08.12.2017. (with Christiane Lütge, Thorsten Merse and Claudia Owczarek)

“Intractivity in Narrative Apps for the EFL Context.” Presentation (discussion group led by Britta Freitag-Hild and Annika Kolb), DGFF 2017: “Sprachen lernen integriert – global, regional, lokal”, University of Jena, Jena, 29.09.2018.

“Digital Culture, Digital Literacies and EFL Education.” Presentation (colloquium) at Forschungsforum Fraueninsel, Chiemsee, 18.05.2017.

“Interactivity in Digital Narratives: Storytelling Apps and the EFL Context” Presentation at “Media Literacy in Foreign Language Education: Digital and Multimodal Perspectives”at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, 13.03.2017.

“Digital Narratives: Storytelling Apps in the EFL Classroom.” Workshop, “TEFL Lounge” for Chair of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, 22.11.2016